- The MERLOT Collection is made up of over 40,000 materials in 20 different material type categories and growing.
- MERLOT materials are submitted by members of the MERLOT community. Basically, anyone can submit materials to MERLOT, but it has to go through a thorough peer review process.
- MERLOT does not actually store the materials. They maintain the metadata records for each piece of material in the collection and a link to its own website.
License Setting
- License setting with the materials on the Merlot website is a bit tricky. While Merlot identifies itself as a free and open peer reviewed collection of online teaching materials, all materials are actually released under different types of copyright licenses. You really have to double check the license setting of each resource you find in Merlot.
- There are many CC licensed materials offered through Merlot, but many authors chose the “unsure” option for the creative commons licenses. If this is the case, please contact the author to obtain the permission to use.