BC Campus
- BCcampus has a curated collection of open textbooks that align with the 40 highest enrolled post-secondary subject areas in British Columbia.
- They provide guidance and easy access to
- Locating these existing open textbooks
- adapting/adopting the existing open textbooks, and
- creating new open textbooks.
- They constantly review and update the content, and notify subscribed members of these changes.
- Here’s a short video tutorial on how to adopt an open textbook.
Open Textbook Tutorial – Find and Distribute Open Textbook from BCcampus on Vimeo.
License Setting
- All BC Campus materials are licensed under CC BY 4.0 which allows you to distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the original work, even commercially, as long as you credit the author for the original creation.
- However, it’s important to check the license setting of the original source and follow the terms of use as the original licensor requested. Fortunately, BCcampus provides clear license information of each original source they’ve adopted.
Sample Attribution
Assuming that the resource is CC licensed, the basic attribution format is Resource X by Author Y is released under CC XX-XX-XX. If the licensor wishes to be cited in a specific way, you must do so accordingly. To learn more about how to make a proper attribution, please visit OER 101: Module 5 titled, “Finding OER”.