Open Yale courses
- Open Yale Courses features the video lectures of 42 renowned courses that are being taught at Yale.
- Each course includes a full set of video lectures accompanied by other course materials such as syllabi, suggested readings, and problem sets.
- The lecture videos are downloadable and streamable, and an audio-only version is also offered.
- Searchable transcripts of each lecture are provided.
- The courses span the full range of liberal arts disciplines, including humanities, social sciences, and physical and biological sciences.
- Most courses are paired with completely free or highly affordable textbooks ($10-$30).
License Setting
- All Open Yale Courses are released under CC BY NC SA 3.0.
- This license lets you remix, tweak, and build upon the original work non-commercially, as long as you credit the author(s) and license your new creations under the identical terms.
Sample Attribution
Chapter 3 Summary from BENG 100 Frontiers of Biomedical Engineering by Mark Saltzman @Open Yale Courses is licensed under CC BY NC SA 3.0